Monday, April 13, 2020

Homework for Tuesday, April 14, 2020 Day #131

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

1.       Things to do every day.
a.       Read for 20 minutes.
b.       Practice writing your name.
c.       Calendar work
d.       Enjoy a Bible story.

2.       Let’s Get Ready: Tools you will need to do your work.
a.       Pencil
b.       Crayons and/or Colored Pencils
c.       Scissors
d.       Glue Stick
e.       Manipulatives (These are items that your child can count, sort, make patterns with, and so on.  For example: color crayons, Easter eggs, erasers, paper clips, clothes pins, legos  – be creative.

3.       Letter “Rr” paper– Locate the paper with the word Rabbit at the top and a picture of a rabbit.  Have your child write his/her name on the back of the paper.  Turn the paper over and have your child complete the thought.  The rabbit raced.  He raced over a __________.  Have your child add details to the picture to show what the rabbit raced over.   Remind your child to use at least 3 colors.

4.       Math:  Area
·         Have your child compare his/her shoe size, length, and width with someone in your family.  Ask your child to tell you whose shoe is bigger and whose shoe is smaller.
·         Next show your child a 2” X 2” sticky note.  Tell him/her that we need to figure out how big the bottom of the shoe is in order to determine if the square is wide and long enough to cover the shoe’s sole.
·         Say: If the bottom of your shoe is worn out and you need to replace it, would a piece of material the size of this paper cover the shoe’s sole? (no)  Why?  (Sample answer:  It is too small.)
·         Now explain that area refers to the space inside the outline of a figure.
·         Have your child find 2 different objects that cover about the same area.
·         Have your child explore in your house to find an object covers more area than his/her 2” X 2” sticky note and an object that covers less area than the sticky note.
·         Lastly, give your child two different-sized squares and have him/her determine which square covers more area.

5.       Bible Story:  The Emmaus Disciples (Luke 24: 13-35)

Worship: Teach the following song to the tune of “The Farmer in the Dell.”
Two eyes to look to God,
Two ears to hear His Word,
Two feet to walk along the way
Of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

a.       Make 3 circle puppets for use in telling the story.  Draw a happy face on the fronts of two circles.  Draw sad faces on the other side of each.  On the third circle draw a picture of Jesus or use a sticker of Jesus.

b.       Place a cloth on the table or floor to make a road.  Use the three puppets to tell the story, using the following script.

c.       Put the two sad-face puppets on the cloth road; place the puppet of Jesus out of your child’s sight.  Two friends of Jesus were walking along a road.  They were very sad.  They had seen Jesus die on the cross, and they thought that He was still dead.  Look at how sad they are!  How would you feel if you lost your friend?
Suddenly (produce the puppet of Jesus) a stranger came up and started to walk with them.  Add the puppet of Jesus between the two men.  The stranger asked, “Why are you so sad?”  One of the men said, “Don’t you know what just happened?  Our Friend Jesus is dead!”
The three men continued walking.  Move the three puppets forward.  As they walked, they told the stranger about Jesus.  They said, “He did many wonderful things.  He made sick people better.  He talked about God’s love.  But some people didn’t like Him.  They nailed Him to a cross and He died.”
Continue moving puppets forward.  The stranger listened to the sad men.  Then He said, “I know you are very sad, but you don’t understand what happened.  In the Bible is says that the Savior would have to die and become alive again so that He could save the people from their sins.”  Then the stranger told them more wonderful things from the Bible, God’s special Book.
Soon the men came to their house.  They invited the stranger to stay and eat supper with them.  When they were ready to eat, the stranger took the bread in His hands.  He said a thank-You prayer to God for the food.  Then He broke the bread into pieces.
Suddenly, the two men saw that the strange was really Jesus!  Turn the sad faces to happy faces.  He really was alive!  He was their Savior!  Suddenly Jesus disappeared.  Take away the puppet of Jesus.  They couldn’t see Him anymore, but they knew Jesus was alive.  They ran to tell their friends the good news!  Move the puppets quickly down the road and away.
We also know the good news that Jesus is alive!  We learned the good news from the Bible.  It teaches us very important things.

d.       Review Questions:  What were the two friends talking about as they walked along the road? (They were sad that Jesus died on the cross, and they thought He was still dead.)  Who was the stranger who started walking and talking with the two men? (Jesus) What did the stranger tell the men as they walked along?  (Jesus told them why He had to suffer and die.)  When did the two men find out who the stranger was?  (When He broke bread and ate with them) After Jesus left the two men, what did they do?  (They ran to tell others the good news that Jesus was alive.)

e.       Finger Play: 
The Bible is God’s special Book, (Cup hands to form an open book.)
And He has told us where to look (Point to “open” page on one hand.)
To find out all we need to know (Make a sweeping circle with arms.)
When I listen and really hear, (Point to ears.)
I know that God is always near.  (Bring both palms toward shoulders.)
And when I look and really see, (Point to eyes.)
I know that God loves you and me.  (Point to others and then to self.)

f.        Prayer:  Dear Jesus, you are amazing. Help me to tell the good news that you are alive.  Help me learn more and more about you from the Bible.  Thank you for loving me and taking care of me and my family.  Amen.

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