Monday, May 11, 2020

Homework for Tuesday, May 12th, 2020 Day #150

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

1.       Things to do every day.
a.       Read for 20 minutes.
b.       Practice writing your name.
c.       Calendar work
d.       Enjoy a Bible story.

2.       Let’s Get Ready: Tools you will need to do your work.
a.       Pencil
b.       Crayons and/or Colored Pencils
c.       Scissors
d.       Glue Stick
e.       Manipulatives (These are items that your child can count, sort, make patterns with, and so on.  For example: color crayons, Easter eggs, erasers, paper clips, clothes pins, Legos – be creative.

3.       Letter “Qq” Handwriting– Locate the paper with the lowercase letter “Qq”.  Before your child writes on the paper, have him/her make the shape of the lowercase letter j in the air (Cloud Writing).  Have your child “Cloud Write” the letter 5 times.  Then trace over the letter on the paper with his/her finger.  Now, get your pencil.  Start at the dot at the top of the letter and carefully make the letter.  Take your time making your letter carefully, trying to stay inside the lines.  Color the pictures at the bottom of the page.  Scribbling is not acceptable at this point in the school year.   Remind your child to use at least 3 colors.

4.       Quilt Picture: Locate the quilt picture with instructions in both English and Spanish.
·         Have your child write his/her name on the line at the bottom of the paper. 
·         Instruct your child to follow the directions at the top of the page to complete the quilt.

5.       Math:  More Graph Practice
·         Suggested Materials: two-column graph, purple and blue crayons

·         Manipulatives:  five purple connecting cubes, five blue color tiles
·         For the purpose of explanation, I’m going to refer to the items suggested in my teacher book. 
·         NOTE:  Use manipulatives that you have at home.  Adjust the color crayons to match your manipulative colors and the size of your graph may need to be larger depending upon your chosen manipulatives.

·         Have your child spill all of the manipulatives on the table.
·         You select  1 to 5 of each manipulative and set them out of sight.  Tell your child, without showing, how many of each item you took.
·         Have your child draw pictures of these manipulatives on the graph.
·         Now, reveal your manipulatives by placing them on the graph over each picture to check.
·         Play several more times taking turns choosing the missing manipulatives and drawing the pictures on the graph.

6.       Bible Story:  Dorcas (Acts 9:36-43)

Memory work: Do not forget . . . to share with others.   Hebrews 13:16

        Briefly review yesterday’s story.

Thinking about Dorcas, tell the following little stories.  Have your child tell what he/she could give to the person who needed something.

     Stephen was coloring a picture for his mommy, but he needed a red crayon to finish the picture.  What could you give him?

     Marie and Rachel were building a tower with the blocks.  They didn’t have enough to get it as high as they wanted.  What could you give to Marie and Rachel?

     Ahni was standing by the swings.  She wanted a turn.  If you were on the swings, what could you give her?

     Tanner watched some children playing with the beanbags.  Tanner was sad.  If you were there, what could you say to Tanner?

     Eric had never heard about Jesus.  What could you tell Eric?

     Then say, God loved us and gave us Jesus to be our Savior and Friend.  Jesus died and rose again to save us.  Jesus forgives us when we don’t share His good gifts with others.  Jesus loves us.  He helps us want to share.  He helps us share the news that Jesus loves us.

     Review questions:  What does God do to show He loves us?  Include in the answers that God sent Jesus to be our Friend and to die on the cross for us and to become alive again.  What are some good things that God has given us?
     Then ask, How did Dorcas show her love to God?  (Helping others)  How can we show love to God?  If your child doesn’t mention it, include ideas such as singing songs of praise and praying to Him.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, I know that You love me and that You want me to share Your love with others.  Be with me in all that I do and in all that I say.  Amen.

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